Ngarep > Produk > Papan Utama Kontrol Industri > Industrial ATX Motherboard > B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard
B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard
  • B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX MotherboardB85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard
  • B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX MotherboardB85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard
  • B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX MotherboardB85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard
  • B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX MotherboardB85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard

B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard

B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard (M-ATX, 1150 pin) dirancang kanggo aplikasi industri lan saben dina.
Sorotan kalebu: Kompatibilitas, skalabilitas, transmisi kacepetan dhuwur, memori gedhe, stabilitas
Ditrapake kanggo: otomatisasi pabrik, pemantauan, medis lan industri liyane.

Kirim Pitakonan

Deskripsi Produk

Informasi parameter:

Model IMB85
Struktur motherboard M-ATX kompak
Dhukungan kertu multi-grafis liyane
Kapasitas memori maksimal 16G
Objek sing ditrapake desktop
Saluran memori saluran dual
jinis CPU LGA1150
Tipe memori DDR3
Apa ndhukung disk array ora didhukung
Apa ndhukung output tampilan VGA+HDMI

Spesifikasi produk:

B85 Industrial 1150-pin MATX Motherboard Skenario Aplikasi: peralatan otomatisasi industri, peralatan medis, transit rel, alat mesin CNC, pengawasan video lan industri liyane

Chip utama: Intel B85/Q87
Prosesor: IntelLGA 1150 generasi kaping 4 13 15 17 prosesor
Memori: 2 * slot memori DDR3, motherboard ndhukung nganti 16Gb
Antarmuka tampilan: 1 * HDMI + 1 * VGA, ndhukung tampilan sinkron utawa asinkron
Piranti panyimpenan: 2 * SATA3.0, 1 * M.2 (protokol SATA)
slot Expansion: 2 * PC| slot 1 * PCIE x16 slot 1 * pcie x4 slot
Sistem Operasi: Windows7 Windows10 LINUX
Spesifikasi power supply: ATX 24PIN + 4PIN power supply
Suhu: Suhu panyimpenan: -20 ℃ -70 ℃; Suhu kerja: -20 ℃ -60 ℃
Ukuran: 232mm * 195mm
Antarmuka I/O: 1*HDM.1*VGA,2*PS/2; 2*2COM (mung ndhukung RS232); 2*USB3.0 2*USB2.0; 2*LAN (RT8111HS); 2 * port audio
Antarmuka I/O internal motherboard: 2 * antarmuka SATA3.0; 1 * antarmuka M.2 (protokol SATA); 8 USB2.0 bisa ditambahi; 1 * F AUDIO; 1 * CPUFAN, 2 * SYSFAN; 1 * FP, 1 * LPT

Detail Produk

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